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Sunday Sevens

Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Sunday.. happy because it is a whole day that I still don’t have WORK… but it is also a day closer to WORK! πŸ™‚

I have missed everyone and so I have lots of updating to do, but these are the most recent day to days!

1. Poaching fruit is the name of the game is this apartment lately! We poached fruit in class and it was SOOO good, especially in my oats. I poached 2 mangos and 5 pears this weekend. Now, you may say, what do I poach it in? Easy as this…

Peal the fruit! Cut in halves/chunks

12-16 oz. h20
4-8 oz juice/wine/puree
1/2 c. sugar/honey/agave –> can vary depending on how sweet
cinnamon/cinnamon sticks –> I used 2 sticks

Bring to a poil, put your fruit halves/big chunks in, bring back down to simmer until fork tender. πŸ™‚

Fruits good for poaching are usually more solid to start.
For example, apples, pears, mangoes, cherries etc. Their softness effects their bake time.

2. Lately, I have not been able to keep my nose in a book, but this one is short and to the point and I really like it. πŸ™‚

It is called, “Who put the (devil) in deviled eggs?” This book is about all the interesting stores behind alot of America’s favorite foods. One of the favorite foods in the Ice cream sunday, which is said to be found in Two Rivers, WI! πŸ™‚ Woo Woo!

3. Yesterday was a day of maintenance on ME! Paint toe nails, shave legs and pluck eye brows! πŸ™‚

It is definitely sandal/flipper season over here, so it was time! :)Just look at the color and ignore the toes/feet because well, they are feet.

4. I got a new purse! I have been wanting a new brown one For Ever! πŸ™‚

I do love it…. alot… πŸ™‚

5. I made some lovely JUMBO muffins this weekend! Banana nut… with toasted nuts… brown sugar subbed for 1/2 the regular sugar… applesauce for the oil AND 1/2 WW flour for the white flour. πŸ™‚ THey turned out great and this is the recipe that I started with! .. did I mention that these are delightful?.. there was a crumble for the top but I passed on that, even though I am sure that it would be delish.

6. I want a dog… I mean, I NEED a dog! This is the 1st time EVER in my life that I have lived without a pet and I am finding how much I appreciated living with a pet. I find myself at the humane society website VERY often because there are so many cute little pups that need a family…! I could be a good family, but they are so expensive and you never know when you are going to have to bring them to the vet… so I just live vicariously through my sister and my mom’s doggies!

7. I-tunes giftcards! I have 2 big mama’s and I just can’t decide on what to get! Any suggestions please?

7.5. I am going to see my family in 33 days! πŸ™‚

Happy Sunday!

9 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens

  1. love your new purse – very very cute! πŸ™‚

    and LIZ! no puppies for you – if you get a pet you have to get sunny!

    that book sounds cute. i might try to request it from the library.

  2. Hey! SO glad you enjoyed the muffins – and you’re tweaking sounds aboslutely terrific (and much healthier!) lol

    Thanks for the link love. πŸ˜€

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